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D → C

 First step: major second

The sun, the winter sun, distance, patience
the coldest stream, a turquoise vein, barely blood, mostly tears
the haze of dreams, the first spring dew

a man is fire, a man is earth
a quiet unison. The fire, as it does, lunges and spreads
until the earth's command:
"Here fire stands."

The sun, the winter sun, king to all but not to us
distance, patience, his devout daughters, have finally met
a prince, a prince to carry the crown when death
sweeps the sky. Hold your applause.

"A two-month long knife in my heart."
"Two months I burned and turned 
to ash."

The streets weep, a golden glaze, a turn, a change
of pace, quick steps, we're in a rush, cut through
the crowds, street after street, the big city, a prince,
a prince, and in the dusty shade of the building's hall

what a monster of a thirst, how desperate the hands
to take the longing stair, major second, going down
like a sigh.